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Thursday 8 September 2011

Looking for tips on how to groom your Shih Tzu?

If so, you've come to the right place. This website will give you
step-by-step basic instructions on how to groom a Shih Tzu.
It will outline the tools needed, as well as the steps that need to be taken in order to groom your furbaby.
This website includes guides on:
The basic steps to keeping your Shih Tzu clean
How to bathe your Shih Tzu
How to get your Shih Tzu used to grooming

Once you have finished grooming your Shih Tzu, the perfect thing to finish them off with is a dog bow. Since Shih Tzus can grow to be various sizes, you can choose from a 3/8" dog bow, a 5/8" dog bow, or a 7/8" dog bow for a Shih Tzu's topknot, depending on your dog's size. Two 3/8" dog bows or two
5/8" dog bows would also look adorable as a pair of ear bows!

Basic Steps

It is important to groom your Shih Tzu regularly, as the Shih Tzu's dense undercoat and long silky outercoat have a tendency to become very matted (which can be painful to remove). There are a few basic steps that are involved in grooming your Shih Tzu and maintaining its coat.

Comb and brush your Shih Tzu at least every other day
- Use a detangling spray or a mix of water & conditioner to moisten the coat prior to brushing
- Use a metal comb, a slicker brush, and a pin brush (without balled ends)
- To effectively brush your Shih Tzu's hair, lift up the top layer and brush the hair closest to the skin
first, then brush and comb the outer layer
- First, use a slicker brush to brush out your Shih Tzu
- Then, use a wide-toothed comb to get rid of any hair that was left behind

Cut and file your dog's nails after giving them a bath (the warm water will make the nails softer and easier to trim). Also, by trimming the nails regularly, only the tips will require cutting and filing.

Brush your dog's teeth once a week to reduce tartar buildup (use a pet toothbrush & pet toothpaste).
Simply put a bit of toothpaste on the toothbrush and rub it against the front of the teeth. It's not
necessary to brush the backs of the teeth. If you prefer, you can buy a finger brush, which is a small
rubber toothbrush that fits over your finger. These brushes are often easier to manoeuver.

Clean your Shih Tzu's ears with a cotton swab and ear cleaning solution after baths

Trim the hair in the ears to reduce the risk of infection. You can also use blunt tweezers to pluck out
excess hair that has grown too far inside the ears.

Use a stain remover to remove tear stains around eyes.

Trim and wash the area around the anus daily to prevent mats of feces (if the area becomes matted,
it can become infected and sore, resulting in serious health problems)

Make sure your Shih Tzu gets regular hair cuts.

Using scissors, trim the hair on your Shih Tzu's feet and around their pads every two weeks

Use dog bows or dog barrettes to keep the hair out of your Shih Tzu's eyes. Since Shih Tzus can
grow to be various sizes, you can choose from a 3/8" dog bow, a 5/8" dog bow, or a 7/8" dog bow
for a Shih Tzu's topknot, depending on your dog's size. Two 3/8" dog bows or two 5/8" dog bows
would also look adorable as a pair of ear bows!

Bathe your Shih Tzu every 4-6 weeks (because Shih Tzus are mostly indoor dogs, more frequent
baths are not necessary).

Bathing Your Shih Tzu

Below you will find a step-by-step guide to bathing your Shih Tzu. You can bathe your Shih Tzu in a kitchen sink, a laundry tub or a bathtub. Put a non-skid mat down before you start to make sure your dog doesn't slip.

Remove any collars, dog bows, dog barrettes or clothing your Shih Tzu is wearing.

Gently brush the fur to remove any knots or tangles using a dog comb or brush.

Wet your dog thoroughly. Try not to get too much water in your Shih Tzu's eyes or ears.

Squirt shampoo in a thin line down the center of your dog's back (don't apply the shampoo in a swirl
or zig-zag pattern). Apply as much shampoo as you need at this point, rather than reapplying
halfway through the procedure.

Work the shampoo down through the hair with your fingers.

Pour water down the middle of your dog's back to rinse it.

You can either use a plastic cup to pour water onto your dog, or you can use a spray nozzle if you
have one. If you're using the spray nozzle, make sure it's aimed downwards to minimize tangles.

Work the water through your Shih Tzu's hair until all shampoo is gone.

Apply conditioner to your dog's hair and work it in through the hair with your fingers.

Rinse your Shih Tzu as you did with the shampoo. Again, make sure there are no traces of
conditioner left, as it can irritate the skin.

Gently dry your dog with a clean towel. Don't completely dry the coat - leave it damp for brushing
(this prevents hair from breaking while it's being brushed).

If you like, you can use a blow dryer instead of a towel to dry your dog. Again, make sure the hair is
not completely dry, because it still needs to be brushed.

Gently brush the fur to remove knots.

Finish off the look with a beautiful dog bow. Since Shih Tzus can grow to be various sizes, you can
choose from a 3/8" dog bow, a 5/8" dog bow, or a 7/8" dog bow for a Shih Tzu's topknot, depending on your dog's size. Two 3/8" dog bows or two 5/8" dog bows would also look adorable as a pair of
ear bows!

Things to Remember

If your Shih Tzu has a soft, cottony coat (instead of a silky one), have the coat trimmed in a puppy
cut for easier maintenance.

When buying a pin brush, don't buy one with balls on the end of the pins (it will break the coat).

When bathing your Shih Tzu, never leave them unattended in the tub or sink. They could try to jump
out (and injure themselves), or they could slip and fall.

Use lukewarm water when bathing your Shih Tzu. If the water is too hot, it could hurt your dog or
make them uncomfortable.

Don't brush your Shih Tzu's coat when it is completely dry. Instead, use a detangling spray or a mix
of water & conditioner prior to brushing.

Don't use natural bristle brushes.

Remember to only use pet toothpaste (no human toothpaste) when brushing your Shih Tzu's teeth.

When cutting the hair of your Shih Tzu, the topknot should be longer than the rest of the body
(that way, it can be pulled back and secured with a dog bow).

How to Get Your Shih Tzu Used to Grooming

Don't force your Shih Tzu into being groomed if they don't like it. Ease into it - start with smaller time increments. If your Shih Tzu doesn't like to be touched or groomed in a certain spot (ie. feet, ears, or muzzle), start with simply touching the spot for a second or two. Make sure you reward your Shih Tzu after every time you have touched the spot and they have been okay with it.

Make a regular grooming routine so your Shih Tzu can get used to it.
Keep the sessions short and to the point. Don't let them drag on, or your Shih Tzu will get antsy.
Give your Shih Tzu treats and reward them for keeping still and letting their feet, ears, and muzzle
be touched.
Believe it or not, grooming can actually be enjoyable for your Shih Tzu. If you get them used to it early on, they can grow to like it and end up looking forward to being groomed.

Tuesday 16 August 2011

Eating Healthy VS lifestyle Diseases

Healthy eating and getting the most nutrition out of your meals is your secret to staying healthy and energised, natural weight loss, and combating lifestyles diseases. Does the expression, "you are what you eat" ring a bell? Do you know that what you eat and how you prepare your food can affect how you look, how you feel, and how long you live?
healthy eating fruit nutritionDo you suffer from, or are you trying to avoid any of the lifestyle diseases? - Obesity, diabetes II, heart disease, high blood pressure (hypertension), high cholesterol, stroke, cancer, digestive problems or any other related diseases?
Have you been trying to lose weightwithout much luck? Let's face it, I'm sure you probably have figured by now, diets don't work - at least not permanently. Or perhaps you're just simply trying to stay healthy, stay agile and energetic, keep your children eating healthy, live a good quality life, and avoid illnesses and infections?

Look no further...

This site has been designed for you! Your answers are right here. The benefits of eating healthy and getting nutrition are enormous and really pays off in making us look better, feel better and live longer. Developing the habit of heart healthy eating must also be a key fundamental part of your healthy lifestyle.
If you are not paying attention to what you eat yet, NOW is the time to start being serious. Procrastination is not an option. The best cure for most diseases is PREVENTION.
healthy eating vegetable nutritionYou see, lifestyle diseases mostly have one thing in common - Diet! They are usually the result of unhealthy choices, and especially the lack of proper nutrition in our diets. This generation is the most-overfed, but the most mal-nourished generation that has ever lived.
On this site, you have free access to the best put together set of healthy eating guidelines, nutrition lesson plans,priceless information on how you can get nutrition for life, and healthy recipes that will greatly help you towards avoiding, reversing or managing lifestyle-related diseases.
You can easily improve or change your eating habits using our simple, free healthy eating plans, and you and your family will be well on your way to a much better quality of life! If you're a parent, remember that nutrition for kids is also paramount. Healthy eating during pregnancy plays a major part too.
Choosing the right kind of cookware is another major step in the health of you and your family. Healthy cookware facilitates healthy cooking, and helps to retain food nutrition.
Here we have the most complete definition of what an ideal healthy diet is. Eating healthy on a budget is not a problem either, there are many inexpensive ways to buy fresh or organic food. There are also many health and nutrition articles with lots of tips for you.
What's your health and your family's worth to you? Priceless? Of course it is, because you deserve the best!
Time to act. Start Healthy Eating WITH Nutrition, it will Change Your Life. Let's do it!

Lifestyle Diseases

The only subclass of lifestyle diseases that this Web page is addressing are those caused by lifestyle factors that can be lowered with changes in diet, lifestyle, and environment.

Natural Health as Complementary Medicine

Nothing about natural health prevents its alternative healing methods from being used alongside conventional medical treatment. Thus, natural health can be viewed as a complementary or adjunctive form of therapy.
Do not forget about treating your chronic health conditions by supplementing with vitamin D. There is a vitamin D revolution going on in natural health circles. People are no longer afraid of sunshine because of the simply amazing health benefits of vitamin D.
People suffering from lifestyle diseases, or chronic health conditions, should always feel comfortable turning to conventional medicine for treatment of their health issues; whether it involves a stay in a hospital and surgery, or long term use of pharmaceuticals, such as Statins or high blood pressure medication. Always consult with a health care professional of your choice to discuss your specific health situation with before engaging in any natural health program. In most cases Natural Health as a form of complementary medicine can be used along side conventional medicine to treat and manage your chronic health problems. High cholesterol levels, for example, can often be treated with nutritional supplements and vitamins, along with eating a healthy diet, and engaging in regular exercise; with the expectation that you will be able to eventually stop taking your physician prescribed pharmaceuticals.
The Natural Health Perspective is about natural health, wellness, holistic medicine, prevention, healthy living, and healthy lifestyles. Our site describes a mainly Western outlook on holistic medicine. Our articles present alternative health information that centers on lifestyle choices such as diet, exercise, attitude, and relationships. We offer proactive approaches to the prevention of lifestyle diseases through the holistic medicine of healthy living.

Monday 15 August 2011



Cancer-fighting agents in broccoli target diseased cells

Scientists say they've found cancer-fighting agents in broccoli and cauliflower that selectively target and kill diseased cells while leaving normal cells healthy.
Researchers from Oregon State University were able to demonstrate that a phytochemical found in cruciferous vegetables, sulforaphane, is able to selectively target cancer cells in prostate patients and leave healthy cells alone, unlike traditional chemotherapies.
Though sulforaphane has been shown to fight cancer in other studies, lead author Emily Ho says their study was able to confirm that the agent acts as an inhibitor of histone deacetylase, or HDAC, a family of enzymes that play a role in whether certain genes -- like tumor suppressor genes -- are expressed or not.
HDAC inhibitors help turn on these silenced genes and restore normal cellular function.
Sulforaphane is found at high levels in broccoli, cauliflower and other cruciferous vegetables.
The findings were published in Molecular Nutrition and Food Research and released by Oregon State University June 9.
Researchers are currently performing clinical trials in the use of sulforaphane in prostate and breast cancer.
"Just because a phytochemical or nutrient is found in food doesn't always mean it's safe, and a lot can also depend on the form or levels consumed," Ho said in a statement. "But this does appear to be a phytochemical that can selectively kill cancer cells, and that's always what you look for in cancer therapies."
Another study out of the University of Michigan last year also found that sulforaphane targeted and killed cancer stem cells in animals and prevented new tumors from growing. The study focused on breast cancer stem cells and was published in the Clinical Cancer Research.
To launch a full-scale assault against prostate cancer, meanwhile, a University of Illinois study from 2007 showed that broccoli and tomatoes work in a tag-team effort: when eaten together, their cancer-fighting abilities are more effective than when eaten separately.
The study recommended that men should consume 1.4 cups (139 g) of raw broccoli, 2.5 cups (248 g) of fresh tomatoes or one cup of tomato sauce (237 ml).